Target Field: Ana Maria Pereira won world’s champion title – Norway
Ana Maria Pereira, from Portugal, has won the title of world’s champion in the Target Field, category female (PCP), at the XII World Target Field Championship held in Romsdal, Norway. Pereira won first...
View ArticleMusic: OqueStrada to perform at the annual Nobel Peace Prize Concert – Portugal
The Portuguese band, OqueStrada, will perform at the annual Nobel Peace Prize Concert, in Oslo, Norway. A tribute to the year’s laureates, the concert will be held October 11. The concert, to be...
View ArticleReport: Portugal is one of the safest countries to be born – The Lancet,UK
Portugal is among the top ten countries where it is safest for newly-born babies with one of the lowest neonatal mortality rates in the world, The Lancet reported on Tuesday. While it was already well...
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